Transmatic ATF-III

Premium automatic transmission fluid DEXRON III/MERCON recommended for most automatic, powershift, hydrostatic and many standard transmission


This fluid may be used for automatic gearboxes, power steering units, torque converters, and other equipment, for which an ATF Dexron IIIF, IIIG, and/or IIIH fluid is required.


  • GM Dexron III-G
  • Allison C4
  • MAN 339 Type Z-1/V-1
  • MB-Approval 236.1
  • ZF TE-ML 04D/14A
  • Voith

Typical standard analyses

Name Value
Density at 15 °C, kg/l 0,865
Viscosity -40 °C, mm²/s 37,30
Viscosity 100 °C, mm²/s 7.96
Viscosity Index 193
Flash Point COC, °C 188
Pour Point, °C -45
Total Base Number, mgKOH/g 2.5
Sulphate Ash, % 0,06
